Saturday 22 March 2008

Avoiding writing

This is what writers do. Contrary to popular belief we don't sit at a typewriter all day, we go to Starbucks, listen to music, tidy the house... anything except writing. Once we've done all the chores there are to do we often sit down to write, usually anything BUT the thing we're supposed to be writing.

I should be working on my current spec script. It's a feature with the working title VIGILANTE. The problem with working titles is that by the time you're done it's kind of stuck so make sure it's simple, attractive and tells the story. Vigilante is the story of a man's mental and psychological disintegration in the unobtainable goal of revenge. It's a take on the Death Wish genre of movies where a vigilante takes to the streets of a lawless city. I think it ties in well with what most people seem to be feeling right now, which is the law can't protect them and society is generally going to the dogs.

So, here I am blogging when I should be writing.

Maybe there's some hoovering or washing to be done.

FILM WATCH: The other night I rented the PARALLAX VIEW, a 1970s conspiracy thriller with Warren Beatty. I was struck at how little the film had dated. I think really good films just have a timeless quality about them, which comes the quality of the filmmakers involved. It was directed by Alan J Pakula, a mark of quality. It didn't matter about the hair or the clothes. The story was a solid, universal one that still speaks to people today. Maybe it's the optimist in me but the only black spot is the ending. Most people love it - and it is in character with the piece - but it's just not the ending I want. Maybe there's a lesson about life in there too.

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